Just reading the title, must have you either humming or singing the beloved song from "The Sound of Music"! I know it had me looking up and watching the song performed by Julie Andrews in the original 1965 version of the movie. In the movie, Maria sings to the von Trapp children during a thunderstorm. They all come to her room because they are frightened by the thunder and lightning. She asks them what some of their favorite things are, and then she starts singing about her favorite things. Soon the kids forget all about the storm and are naming some of their favorite things.
Often, when we are in the midst of a storm, we are like those von Trapp children. We run away from where we are all alone and scared, and run to someone who can calm our fears. It doesn't matter to us how silly it seems that we need that companionship. We just need someone warm and supportive, who can distract us and keep us safe. We want our own "Maria", who can make us remember our favorite things, while conjuring up an atmosphere of joy and fun, all while the thunder is clapping, the lighting zapping, and the rain pouring outside.
This past week, I had a storm of emotions brewing. I had gone to bed, feeling very alone and upset by some things that had happened that day. As soon as I turned off the light, the tears came. Soon, I was sobbing uncontrollably. Tears just kept on coming and I was unable to stop my whole being from shaking. I didn't have it in me to even call out to Kevin. No getting up and running to the safety of his arms.
Finally I turned the bedside light back on, just to feel like I wasn't alone. A few seconds after I had turned on the light, the bedroom door opened and I was safely in Kevin's arms. He sat with me and just held me, all while rubbing my back. He gave me space to formulate my thoughts and then listened patiently to my fears, my concerns, my anguish, my grief. No advice, no admonition, no comments. Just listening and touch.
This episode made me think of some of the storms in the Bible. Some were real storms, some were personal inside storms. One of those with personal storms, was Hagar. She was Abraham's slave wife, who was mistreated by Sarai, after she got pregnant. She then ran away. In the dessert, the angel of the Lord found her, and told her to return to Sarai and also that she would have a son. Sarai then gave God the name "You are the God who sees me". I love that name for God! My God is the one who sees me, and also the one who collects every tear I cry in a bottle - You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book. Psalm 56:8
Another storm in the New Testament happens when Jesus is on the boat asleep. His disciples are afraid, the waves are so huge that they are afraid for their lives. Yet, the One who created those waves is fast asleep on the back of the boat. The disciples run to Jesus, shake him awake. And Jesus speaks peace over the storm and just like that everything is calm. The disciples are not calm afterward. In actual fact. they are terrified because they don't know who Jesus really is yet. (Mark 4: 35-41)
But I do know who Jesus is! I know who God is! Jesus is my Storm Calmer. God is the One who sees me and even collects every tear I cry. Sometimes God uses people like Kevin to minister to me and show Himself to me through them. Other times, I get to meet with friends who just open their arms in love or lift their hands in prayer.
A few of my favorite things are: when God shows up in desperate times through people, when I receive an unexpected mail, when someone wraps me close in a bear hug, when I feel seen because of a kind gesture, when I get to turn on the light on a dark, stormy night. The long list continues: being able to turn to God's Word at any time, being able to be creative, telling someone I love them, hearing the hummingbirds outside my window in the morning, having Sidney tell me all about his day at work, bonding with my Snugglepuff Cori, spending time with family, walking in nature, being able to complete a workout video. Then there are things like: sleeping with an open window the first time after winter, enjoying Mediterranean food with friends, watching the summer Olympics, receiving funny texts, painting with watercolor pencils, reading a variety of books. You get the idea. These are just a few of favorite things. If I carried on writing down more of my favorite things, then I would have to change the title of this blog...
I pray that this helps you think about your favorite things and how grateful you can be for all God has given you. Each of us is a unique image-bearer of God. So each one of us gets to sing our own version of "These are a few of my favorite things". How amazing is that?
Until next time,