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The Nest in the Corner


Last year was the first year ever, that they built a nest in the corner eaves of our gazebo's roof. At first I did not know what bird was joyfully singing from dawn to dusk each day. This all started in late April or early May of 2021. Then we started noticing him bringing small twigs which he haphazardly placed under the eaves. He would flutter down and perch on the railings of our deck and turn his head sideways, looking up at the nest, as if he wanted our approval. Then a song would bubble up from his chest, filling the air with a palpable joy of accomplishment. It turned out to be a male House Wren.

Soon afterwards, we noticed that his wife had arrived too. Now we had two cheerful birds waking us up in the early morning with their joyful songs! Mrs. Wren inspected the nest under the eaves and approved it after carefully removing some twigs that were not suitable to her taste. She completed the interior design of the soon-to-be nursery with some of her own final touches. And then the waiting began.

We knew she had laid some eggs, because she spent a lot of time on the nest. Now and again Mr. Wren would bring Mrs. Wren some of her favorite snacks, including beetles, caterpillars or flies. Sometimes she would leave the nest and find her own insects. But she never stayed away too long and always seemed especially skittish when she spotted us watching.

After two weeks, we heard some chicks

merrily chirping from on high. They had had finally hatched and were very hungry and demanding. Both Mr. Wren as well as Mrs. Wren took turns feeding their brood. It was touching to watch how both were involved and taking turns in raising their young. The best part was that they seemed to be as cheerful as ever. Their lively song continued throughout the day. Sometimes when we were sitting on the deck, they would let their chicks know that they were on their way with food. The chicks would answer them in their untrained voices. The adults would carefully hold the caught insect in their beaks, while still emitting their reassuring answer. Next they would hop from one perch to the next and finally enter the nest with the snack.

After the adult wren exited the nest, a cacophony of chirps would start from the chicks! But the adult would not turn around to calm the chicks, he would just leave on his next mission to find yet another delicious insect for his brood. Both of the parent birds had separate patterns. The male wren would make three stops on his way up to the nest. The female wren would make a few extra stops and also linger longer on each perch, to contemplate how safe this trip would be, with humans watching her.

We were on vacation when the fledglings left the nest. We came home to an empty and abandoned nest. We came home to silence from the wrens' hallelujah's. It took us a while to figure out why we woke up in the mornings feeling somewhat subdued and pensive: we missed the buoyant melody from our feathered friends!

So, this year we were elated when our House Wrens returned. The first time I heard his triumphant "honey-I'm-home" warble this spring, my heart gave an extra bounce of happiness. And my joy increased when wifey wren arrived and approved the nest in the corner for the second year in a row.

I took a D.A.W.G. (Day Alone With God) this past Monday. In order to become quiet in spirit and withdraw from distractions, I decided to sit on our deck under the gazebo. The day was perfect: low humidity, sunshine and a little breeze. As I sat contemplating life and God, the Hose Wrens did what they do: they sang, they provided food to their young, they watched. They were being good parents - a reminder of what my Heavenly Father is to me as well.

God sings over me: "The Lord your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.” Zeph. 3:17

God provides for me always: "Nevertheless He did not leave Himself without witness, in that He did good, gave us rain from heaven and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness." Acts 14:17

God watches over me: "The Lord will watch over your coming and going, now and forever." Psalm 121:8

The House Wren fledglings will once again have flown the coop before we return from our yearly summer vacation. This year's vacation will be new and different: just my husband and me. So, I am not sure if having to watch them learn to fly and leave the nest would be a good thing for me to observe as an empty nester anyway!

I leave you with a video of this little plain bird's phenomenal song:

God bless until next time!

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