I have become one of those “let’s do as little as possible” type of people during the Christmas season. It seems like the older I get, the more I want less. I know it wasn’t always like this for me.
The hustle and bustle of decorating, shopping, baking, gifting, never-ending invites to parties and events have become overwhelming to me. A more quiet and contemplative way of entering the Advent season are much more appealing to me.
I want to sit under the Christmas tree and ponder the miracle of this seemingly normal baby, who was God coming to this earth. I want to sing every single Christmas song I know (German and English). At the top of my lungs. On my own. I want to light a candle and stare at it, while musing over “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” - John 1:1-5. I want to sit and paint, while listening to Bach’s complete Christmas Oratorio and enjoying the beauty of this beloved music without interruptions.
These are the things I want. However, inevitably, every year the same things happen: my email account gets flooded with a variety of available Advent devotions, invitations to events, advertisements of new Christmas movies. I receive invitations in the mail and on social media to Christmas parties, craft shows, concerts, recitals, and get togethers. I always feel obligated to respond and to actually attend some of these offerings, even though it feels like deep inside, I want to just withdraw and be left alone with just Jesus. A tug-of-war ensues in my head and my heart. I know what is expected of me, yet at the same time I know what it does to my soul when I willingly just drift along from one event to the next. What happens in the end, is, that I compromise. I agree to step out of my intimate tranquility into the blaring hullabaloo of festivities.
For a few hours each week, I give up my selfish need for tranquil solitude and dive into the social flurry. Although I always dread leaving the little baby Jesus under my Christmas tree behind, He is always already waiting for me in the midst of the crowds. As soon as I am hugged and welcomed by friends, who genuinely enjoy my company, I feel so grateful that I decided to leave my quiet piece of heaven, to celebrate the Peace of Heaven with others!
Celebrating raucously with others is a part of Advent. We have so much to rejoice for! Doing it with others is just as important as doing it alone in contemplation. Immanuel – God with us – wherever we go, whomever we are with!
“Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel” (which means, God with us). Matthew 1:23 (ESV)
May you experience our Immanuel in a very personal way as you celebrate His birth this month!
God bless, until next time!
Dearest Wiebke, your contemplation is spot on. It is good to enjoy the quiet peace of Jesus only, yet God beckons us to share His peace and enjoy the beauty of saved and transformed lives! Love, Saskia