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What is behind the name "Rubythroated Publishers"?


Updated: May 3, 2022

My first encounter with a ruby-throated hummingbird, was when I decided to put a feeder outside our living room window. I had seen these little jewels at other people’s homes and became fascinated with them. So, I bought a nectar feeder and filled it with sugar water. As I was carrying it to the shepherd’s hook, I was going to attach it to, there suddenly was a buzz around my head and by the feeder. I naturally swatted at this buzzing “insect”, as I thought it was some big wasp or hornet.

But no, it was actually a male Ruby-throated hummingbird, trying his best to introduce himself to me, all while trying to get a taste of the nectar! I nearly dropped the feeder because I could not believe how tiny he was. After the feeder was hung, I just sat staring at this little acrobat. His up-and-down movements, his flying from side-to-side, his bumbling back-and forth, and then zipping off to some blooms was astonishing to me.

So, I did what I do best: I researched these amazing birds. I found out so many interesting facts about them: the size of their eggs, where they build their nests, how far they migrate, what they need to survive, how fast their hearts beat, and how many different types there are. I read every book I could find on Ruby-throated hummingbirds – I fell in love with these tiny creatures.

They made me realize how amazing God’s creation and design is! I think realizing how detailed his creation is, and how he thought of everything, makes me just want to worship him more. The more I found out about hummingbirds, the louder my songs of praise to God became.

A friend told me about a website that traces the migration hummingbirds. I signed up to be part of reporting when I see my first male ruby-throated hummingbird each year. The interesting thing about this is, that I seemed to see them earlier each year. I think it is because I became more aware of their habits and what to look for in anticipation of their arrival. Now, after many years of studying them, they seem to arrive May 2nd at my house every year.

This is the reason, I decided to use the hummingbird as my imprint logo. I want to be reminded of how God created these birds with so many different facets. He cared about each aspect of their flight pattern, their coloring, their migration. In the same ways he cares for me too!

“Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God. Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows.” Luke 12:6-7 (ESV)

My best friend from my high school days, Saskia B., who is a graphic designer, designed this perfect logo for me! I am blessed to know her.

Resources for hummingbird lovers:


"He saw a Hummingbird", by Norma Lee Browning

"Hummingbirds: My Tiny Treasures", by Arnette Heidcamp

Migration tracking:


"Hummingbirds", David Attenborough


Rockport-Fulton HummerBird Celebrarion



Please let me know if you know about any other resources on Hummingbirds!

God bless until next time,

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May 03, 2022

This is wonderful, I am so happy for you that you are able to use your gifts in such an amazing way. These stories are going to bless so many kids and their parents as well. Please keep it up and please tell Kevin and Sidney I said hi and I think of them often. My love to you all. Rondee !!!!!


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