Today is Day 0 of this new journey that starts tomorrow. I look forward to this new beginning, but also feel uncertain to what this will entail. A friend of mine has decided to join me on this endeavor and I am thankful for that.
I have had Wendy Speake's book The 40-Day Sugar Fast since last year and have never really wanted to commit, because honestly I really am not addicted to sugar (I think). In this past week, Wendy has asked us to pray about what else God would want us to fast from. After much back-and-forth between God letting me know in no uncertain terms to give up Facebook for this time, and me putting on the proverbial brakes on that idea, I have relented. Yes, I did it! I deactivated my Facebook account. It turned out to be just about impossible to do, but I finally did it.
As I sit typing these words, I am drinking my late afternoon coffee and nibbling my last three Christmas cookies. There is no going back now - the rest of the cookies will have to be taken care of by the two guys in my house!
I survived Day 1 without sugar and without Facebook! It seemed doable because I had some pretty good distractions: I went to a friend's house to do some cleaning to help out. After that I met with my co-Sugar-Faster friend (I'll call her "Honey") for lunch, followed by looking at dirt bikes for her. The best part was seeing her joy, when she picked the dirt bike and actually purchased it! It truly was a very sweet and unexpected adventure.
However, looking back to the start of my day, I realize that I was encouraged by Wendy Speake's words for Day 1, and mostly by God's Word. I tasted and saw God's goodness today! Sometimes I think we over-spiritualize things. Having a productive and joyful day, where we put others first, can be just as beautiful and deep, as time spent alone in worship.
I pray that you will consider joining this fast! It truly is NOT about sugar, but about your relationship with God.
Blessings until tomorrow,